Starting to think back on what happened.
Starting to think back on what she told me.
Everything's starting to stress me out now.
Him, her, her, her & him. & obviouslly studies...
It's time to let go of everyone, not just love.
I shouldn't be so possesive. I'm the one wrong, not her kay.
Sick & tired of crying my hearts out for you & you.
I'm just some attention seeking bitch.
What's the point of crying, it won't solve anything.
I'm stupid, I'm useless, I can't do anything right.
& I used to need you, I still need you now.
How many bloody times I said I want to let go of you?
Unlimited times, I just can't let go.
Let it be, I can't either. I'm afriad I'll fall too deep.
I really dk what to do, I know it won't be possible.
Everybody either has their partners, soulmates or closest friend.
I just hate the feeling of being alone. This sucks.
Nobody Nobody cares. Uncountable people told me they'll be there.
End up, end up dk where they went to? Heaven?
Hahs, Just ended up with people that they love more that they love me.
Fb; Don't make someone your everything cos' when they leave you're left with nothing.
They left me, & yet I'm really left with nothing. This's life?
She told me, you can't be too close with someone, there must be a distance.
Why didn't I thought so? STUPID ME.
Regret being so close with you, I told you & you everything.
I just want to let go of everything, Somebody teach me how.
I just feel like screaming, crying everything out now.
I don't know, really don't know what to do.
Ignore that friking crap up there,
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