Saturday, January 30, 2010

I suck (:

I had a dream, a dream all about you; ):

Here to post! :D
Cos' my loveliest lover asked me to (:So many things happening recently, that makes my really tired.
I really dk what to do. Hahs, Where are you?
It's really hard to face the reality now,
& It's still so hard for me to stay in the reality.
Wakeup wakeup please. Someone please slap me. Yes, I do hate physics :D. But I'm passing it no matter what.
Aim, just aiming for a pass, a C6. Really enough for me (:
I want to pass the test this monday. I wanna prove that I can make it.

Distractions, I hate it so much ):
I've to try and study as hard as I could all the way till november.
Less computer, Lesser slackings :/
I've to attend almost all remedials luh :X. Except Emaths, Geog.
Means I've to study EXTRA hard for them, eh? :S
Today, Had flag day :D
Walked around amk like 2 times w/ JPZ.
Back to school, (:
Sorry for emo-ing a little. Idw to say what happened, you won't understand.
Lunched with G J P :D.
Fun eh, though was still abit emoing that time :X
Due to those memories, hais (:
Slacked awhile, then homed. So long we never slacked together!
Hope we got more chance after O's :D.

Oh, byebye.
I need to prepare my essay for SStest (:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Smile Smile!

Everybody stay happy please!
Esp purple pink blue green orange.

Everybody's leaving, I know I ain't anyone impt to anyone.
But each & everyone of you are impt to me.
Especially, you.

I'm faking that smile everyday in school {:
Being happy is always better! CHEERUP ALL!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I don't know how to describe this feeling,

朋友, 终有一天都会离开你的。

All, leaving one by one.
I really can't take it anymore.
Maybe I'm just thinking too much.
I need you I need you. Where are you? Hais.

MIA, I shall just live my life alone.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I'm losing you you you you you & you.
Not blaming anyone, I'm blaming myself.
Why're all leaving me one by one...
Idk what's this feeling, Idk what to do.
I feel so unsafe ): Nobody by my side. I don't get it, hais.

Maybe I shouldn't care so much uh? Hais.. (:
Olevel year, I ain't working hard enough.
Jiayou (: STUDY HARD. Okay, I'll just try ):

Stress Stress Stress, I just couldn't take it anymore.
Useless, ain't doing anything but, cry :X

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hi (:

I ain't going to get irritating or, whatever (:
Nobody knows, nobody understands, nobody cares.

Sometime I just wonder what I'm in this world for,
For being a friking substitute to be used & throw.
Nobody gave a freaking damn if I didn't *.
Why must everything be shown so specifically on the face?

Stop the questioning,
I didn't say anything cos' everyone's BUSY.
I shall just get lost luh! BYE.

Friday, January 8, 2010

well, i'm tired (:

Look at the time nownownow.
Okay, It's 2.24am btw :D.

Stressed, tired, cannot make it. Afriad Scared, even traumatised.
I guess just noone would understand me.

Well, I'm thinking of someone right this moment :)
Prediction; Tmr'll SUCK like !@#$%^&*
Booktalk tmr, I'M THE LAST AGAIN! -.-

Back's hurting, shoulder's aching, jaw's PAIN o.o
This post is random -.-!

I love my secret place <3! So fun there luh XD.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New post! :D, not any soon :/

Posting since I got home early :D.

Won't be posting any sooner cos' of lazyness
& there nothing to post about.

School's boring, hell boring.

Got to study hard this year, try.
Yeah, bye :)

& yeah, less computer & handphone this year :X.

ps/ showing one post only, :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Insomnia, again.

Hehes, I can't sleep eheh :D.
Even after double dosage of panadol :P.
& it's less than 30hours & I'll get to see all my loves again! :D

I'm gna get to sleep like seriously, bye :/

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Happy new year :D.
I know I'm abit lag luh, but shh :D.

New year, new resoulutions, new targets, new attitude :D.
Firstly I'm gna dedicated a post to, who else? My loves :P.

TONG' ER :D. Don't blame me cos' I'm going to write your's the longest again :)
It's fate that we knew each other, & then got up till now.
Knew you through shishan XD.
The first time we met was during july, You added my MSN during october :D.
That day I was down, you managed to cheer me up.
From then, I knew we could be friends :). & of course, I told you lots of rubbish & made you forget I ain't a band member XD.
We then became closer & closer each day.
Up till now :), I hope we won't drift yeah? XD.
I'm gna graduate soon D: , Will miss you the most XD!
Don't forget, there's always me when you need help :D.
Goodlucks in SYF'10 & Streaming :D
& Thanks for making 2009 such a memorable one! :P. *you know my deepest secret* D:

BOBO FISHBALLS :D. I bet you've forgotten how you knew me XD.
It was during 2008(?), I think.
You added me on fs. & yeaps, we got along quite well?
We then got closer cos' of something, you forget alr then come ask me XD.
& yeaps, I couldn't write any longer cos' I'm saving my speech :D.
Thanks for making my 2009 such an memorable one (: ,
& yeaps, goodlucks w/ sec3 subs. Esp the maths eh :S.
Got anything can ask me, I'll try to help but I doubt I can luh :P.

HEHES, Knew you during 2008 :D.
Long story of how we knew each other. But I'd still remember :D.
Got closer during 2009, thanks for being there when I'm down.
I got nothing to say luh! I'm gna graduate this yr. I know you'll miss me de lah :D.
Hehes, Goodlucks in the sec3 subs! Anything go ask zn,
Don't find me cos' I won't know XD! Okay luh, Kidding :D
But I doubt I'll be much of a help :) & Thanks for 2009 :D.

To be continued, I want to sleep alr. It's alr 3.24AM!