I had a dream, a dream all about you; ):
Here to post! :D
Cos' my loveliest lover asked me to (:

Wakeup wakeup please. Someone please slap me.

Aim, just aiming for a pass, a C6. Really enough for me (:
I want to pass the test this monday. I wanna prove that I can make it.

I've to try and study as hard as I could all the way till november.
Less computer, Lesser slackings :/
I've to attend almost all remedials luh :X. Except Emaths, Geog.
Means I've to study EXTRA hard for them, eh? :S

Walked around amk like 2 times w/ JPZ.
Back to school, (:
Sorry for emo-ing a little. Idw to say what happened,
Lunched with G J P :D.
Fun eh, though was still abit emoing that time :X
Slacked awhile, then homed. So long we never slacked together!
Hope we got more chance after O's :D.
Oh, byebye.
I need to prepare my essay for SStest (:
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