"A true friend is one who walks into your life when the whole world walks out."
Florence, Huixin, Mingyong, Prashanth, Sherene, Vivian :D

I'm sick and tired of whatever's happening already. I hate the way you behave, and everything.
Srsly, This feeling sucks. No use rewinding back time now.
From all these, I found my true friends. They know who they are, and i love them.
Though they can't be 24/7 there for me, I've learnt to stay strong.
I don't need you here with me anymore (:
and hey you.
You know I was waiting for you to talk to me right.
I really miss you.
I love you, and because of that, I'm trying my best to let go.
and yeah, Shouldn't be posting untill after O's :D.
Catch me on plurk/twitter! :D