Haven do any of elearning .
I mean HAVEN'T . Not even a single one :D .
English : It's is 3 page longgg , Surely won't be accepted one :D
Chinese : Tried to stare at lt , Don't know how read a single word .
Emaths : Tried my best , It killed too much of my brain cells .
Amaths : Binomal ? Dk WTF isit . Gave up on th first page .
Chemistry : Too much to absorb . Kill-ed me . Too MUCH work !
Physics : Couldn't find any questions to do ! xD
Geography : Haven had time to touch it yet . Since it's GEOGRAPHY , put it as last :D !
I'll chionggggggg maths tmr in school ):
Later gna carry on editing my english researchhhh . 80 words ! :D
I'm so gna heckcare th others manxzx .
Elearning kills more brain cells than normal days .
Th radiation from th computer kills cells too okayy ! :D
Went out to do work w/ my Peijun today .
After that walk-ed around AMK to do her stuffs o.o .
Bought "Fishes & Teddys" for tmr ! HAHA !
OKAY ! I've to go editeditedit th english like mad alr !
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Promised I-forgot-who , I'll update today :D
20th .
Happy Birthday Victoria & Eline :D
21st .
Happy birthday Vivian How :D
22nd .
Happy Birthday Michelle Choy :D
23rd .
Thankyou Vivian for chocolateee :D
25th .
Happy 1year3mths Veronica :D
I'm bored like hell ,
Currently waiting for Jy , to pass him th chunk of info of computers .
This sir is meannnnnn , Still need help him summarize one wor .
& Still 've to buy for him oreos on monday . Total NOOB !
Okay , Continue , Waiting , Waiting , Waiting ...
& Blogger's fxcking screwed up .
20th .
Happy Birthday Victoria & Eline :D
21st .
Happy birthday Vivian How :D
22nd .
Happy Birthday Michelle Choy :D
23rd .
Thankyou Vivian for chocolateee :D
25th .
Happy 1year3mths Veronica :D
I'm bored like hell ,
Currently waiting for Jy , to pass him th chunk of info of computers .
This sir is meannnnnn , Still need help him summarize one wor .
& Still 've to buy for him oreos on monday . Total NOOB !
Okay , Continue , Waiting , Waiting , Waiting ...
& Blogger's fxcking screwed up .
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I'm sososo DISGUSTED by PERVERTS ! & Survery-ers too :D
Yesterday was okay ,
AMK-Clarkquay-AMK-home-J8-home :D
I'm really supposed to do homework today
Or am I supposed to study for my test ?
Yesterday was okay ,
AMK-Clarkquay-AMK-home-J8-home :D
I'm really supposed to do homework today
Or am I supposed to study for my test ?
'K'xin! kimberly: hahahas! lion meihui! pig pig callin eu! (:
yuhui: lion meihui lion meihui lion meihui lion meihui lione meihui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
; Idiot -.-
CINYEE: you more lazy lahhs! ya what i think very nice lehh?
CINYEE: What so lazy uh?
; No ! Is you lazy ! I think not nice >.< . I gave up at esp 3 leh !
'K'xin! kimberly: mei hui mei hui mei hui mei hui mei hui !!!!!! (:
Junling: Hello! Hahahah :D
; Hi ! :D
HuiMin: is not hydrochloric acid is nitric acid la
; Okay luh , I remember wrong . Change le :D
PEIJUN: though i duno wad happened but CHEER UP k?? :)) my S.V... HAHAS
; O.O . Heheh , I LOVE YOU LAH <3
Friday, July 17, 2009
I can't believe that I'd just brokedown when I saw that message just now .
I's just feel very guilty , th regrets I had , those things that I did .
It's all my fault . If I hadn't been likethat , It won't end up likethat anymore .
Talk to me , Comfort me .
Only you can cheer me up now :/
Thanks * for talking to me these few days .
& seriously fxckedup by *'s attitude recently -.-
I's just feel very guilty , th regrets I had , those things that I did .
It's all my fault . If I hadn't been likethat , It won't end up likethat anymore .
Talk to me , Comfort me .
Only you can cheer me up now :/
Thanks * for talking to me these few days .
& seriously fxckedup by *'s attitude recently -.-
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Today was quite okay ,
Physics-Free period-English-Geog-Chem-Assembly .
Group work during english for me was slack ,
SORRY . I didn't do any work ):
I was just busy sms-ing at th corner -.- (DUMB&DUMB)
I was sitting on th floor , beside simin's seat , somehow beside th plug .
J ; Eh , charging you phone here ahs . I tell teacher uh !
M ; Yeahyeah , WIRELESS charger -.- Dumb leh you .
J ; I can still tell teacher you using phone , I can shout from here de .
M ; Crazy , you dare you shout lah . Th teacher there playing pinball lehs (I was joking , he took it for real)
J ; Really mehs ? You go suggest her other games luh . Like maple , etc .
M ; Idiot lahs , I only kidding (Already laughing like mad) . You go ask her play maple luh , shun bian teach her ?
Y starts lying on me -.-
M : Eh , buyao tang zai wo de shen shang leh .
Y : Orh , orh . (Lies on th wall )
M : (Takes th mahjiong paper) You want can lie on here lahs .
Y : Wo buyao 坦白(meaning being honest or smth) leh .
M : Why buyao 坦白 . Haiyoh , Bad girl :D
Y : (Starts lying on th paper)
She's DUMB right ?
Chemistry , BORING like hell . Learnt ionic equantions :D EASY .
Me & huimin was practically crazy over 3 elements .
& trying to figure out th reactions .
I was thinking that it created fireworks -.- (That was dumb anw -.-)
But she says , it's nitic acid + sulfuric acid + potasium nitrate = Bombs ?!?!
Trying to find out th reaction now :D . Because I'm BORED .
Assembly was kinda , BORING -.-
Don't even know what's th stupid video showing ?
After school , waited for peijun to finish her maths things ?
& Walk-ed to hub w/ Peijun , Junyang .
Mac-ed w/ peijun , (Don't even trying giving me th money tmr uh ! I warn you :D)
Walk-ed around central & hub , yadayada . Talked a lot yeah !
Bus-ed home :D
Don't understand why I'm crying now .
It's really all my fault in th first place .
I shouldn't 've blamed you , yes , I'm too stubborn .
Trying my best not to let it happen again .
It hurts me , I'll study hard .
Physics-Free period-English-Geog-Chem-Assembly .
Group work during english for me was slack ,
SORRY . I didn't do any work ):
I was just busy sms-ing at th corner -.- (DUMB&DUMB)
I was sitting on th floor , beside simin's seat , somehow beside th plug .
J ; Eh , charging you phone here ahs . I tell teacher uh !
M ; Yeahyeah , WIRELESS charger -.- Dumb leh you .
J ; I can still tell teacher you using phone , I can shout from here de .
M ; Crazy , you dare you shout lah . Th teacher there playing pinball lehs (I was joking , he took it for real)
J ; Really mehs ? You go suggest her other games luh . Like maple , etc .
M ; Idiot lahs , I only kidding (Already laughing like mad) . You go ask her play maple luh , shun bian teach her ?
Y starts lying on me -.-
M : Eh , buyao tang zai wo de shen shang leh .
Y : Orh , orh . (Lies on th wall )
M : (Takes th mahjiong paper) You want can lie on here lahs .
Y : Wo buyao 坦白(meaning being honest or smth) leh .
M : Why buyao 坦白 . Haiyoh , Bad girl :D
Y : (Starts lying on th paper)
She's DUMB right ?
Chemistry , BORING like hell . Learnt ionic equantions :D EASY .
Me & huimin was practically crazy over 3 elements .
& trying to figure out th reactions .
I was thinking that it created fireworks -.- (That was dumb anw -.-)
But she says , it's nitic acid + sulfuric acid + potasium nitrate = Bombs ?!?!
Trying to find out th reaction now :D . Because I'm BORED .
Assembly was kinda , BORING -.-
Don't even know what's th stupid video showing ?
After school , waited for peijun to finish her maths things ?
& Walk-ed to hub w/ Peijun , Junyang .
Mac-ed w/ peijun , (Don't even trying giving me th money tmr uh ! I warn you :D)
Walk-ed around central & hub , yadayada . Talked a lot yeah !
Bus-ed home :D
Don't understand why I'm crying now .
It's really all my fault in th first place .
I shouldn't 've blamed you , yes , I'm too stubborn .
Trying my best not to let it happen again .
It hurts me , I'll study hard .
Monday, July 13, 2009
Moodless , Seriously . Extreme bad mood this morning . Sorry for th attitude I've given . I'll try my best to not let this happen next time . Super sorry .
Skipskipskip lessons , BORING one .
Chem-Amaths-Chinese-SS-Amaths-VE .
VE was extreme dumb okay ?
307 & 308 practically was staring out of th window to watch th REAL LIVE THING .
& th cartoon ? WATCH BEFORE LE LAHS :D
Learnt alot of DUMB quotes in class today , TEACHERS TAUGHT US :D
Eg ; A peice of shit , 勉强是没有幸福的 。
& Learnt that th word 勉强 is STUDY in JAPANESE .
So , 勉强勉强是没有幸福的 。 :D
After school , Deardear text-ed me to meet her at her class .
Went to meet her & we went mac :D Kope-d her food , as I've got no money .
Heheheh , I know I'm very bad ! Then went to her house , did work & slacked for awhile there .
Bus-ed home at around 7+ ? (I took more than a hour to reach home !)
Reach-ed home , Bathe-d & I had to rush down to YY's house .
THAT DUMB IDIOT , Told me to run there . (It wasn't anything impt okay)
She asked me somethings about something & ENGLISH .
Then I walk-ed home , Didn't stay as I was tired :D
Skipskipskip lessons , BORING one .
Chem-Amaths-Chinese-SS-Amaths-VE .
VE was extreme dumb okay ?
307 & 308 practically was staring out of th window to watch th REAL LIVE THING .
& th cartoon ? WATCH BEFORE LE LAHS :D
Learnt alot of DUMB quotes in class today , TEACHERS TAUGHT US :D
Eg ; A peice of shit , 勉强是没有幸福的 。
& Learnt that th word 勉强 is STUDY in JAPANESE .
So , 勉强勉强是没有幸福的 。 :D
After school , Deardear text-ed me to meet her at her class .
Went to meet her & we went mac :D Kope-d her food , as I've got no money .
Heheheh , I know I'm very bad ! Then went to her house , did work & slacked for awhile there .
Bus-ed home at around 7+ ? (I took more than a hour to reach home !)
Reach-ed home , Bathe-d & I had to rush down to YY's house .
THAT DUMB IDIOT , Told me to run there . (It wasn't anything impt okay)
She asked me somethings about something & ENGLISH .
Then I walk-ed home , Didn't stay as I was tired :D
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Yesyes !
100th POST [:
This's th thing that made me ,
RUN in th morning to find Jy , RUN with him to find teacher , RUN back to class , After school , RUN downstairs to collect it , SCREAMED at teacher to faster -.- , RUN to th canteen , RUN up 3rd floor , RUN to 306 , RUN to & fro from 306 & 307 to grab things . Then , I was so damn tired . & We ateeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
It's nice , But we ate in a super UNGLAM way . (Ownself think how we eat) & Sickening-ly , That lighter died on me that day -.-
But I still didn't pay attention . Still playing like mad in class [:
100th POST [:
RUN in th morning to find Jy , RUN with him to find teacher , RUN back to class , After school , RUN downstairs to collect it , SCREAMED at teacher to faster -.- , RUN to th canteen , RUN up 3rd floor , RUN to 306 , RUN to & fro from 306 & 307 to grab things . Then , I was so damn tired . & We ateeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
It's nice , But we ate in a super UNGLAM way . (Ownself think how we eat) & Sickening-ly , That lighter died on me that day -.-
But I still didn't pay attention . Still playing like mad in class [:
It'd happened again today . I'm ALWAYS th substitute [:
It ruined my mood for everything .
Thanks * for showing th concern . It'd helped alot .
It ruined my mood for everything .
Thanks * for showing th concern . It'd helped alot .
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I'm th subsitute , For everyone I guess .
At least I was really happy in class today ,
Play-ed & play-ed like some crazy people .
Ran here ran there in between periods . SO FUN .
SORRY , If I've made anyone angry today .
My moodswings , I didn't mean to .
I'm feeling guilty not listening to lessons alr -.-
I like th sitting arrangement likethat . I like it , ALOTALOT .
People around me is all so fun to be with ! (EXCEPT ONE -.-)
Kenneth's so funny , Entertaining us w/ everything & anything .
Huimin's th bestest listener ever , Listens to my rants & craps .
Vicky's always so fun to play w/ , Hahah .
Jaishree's ultra cute , a nice companion [:
From tomorrow onwards ,
I'll pay more attention in class , Do my homeworks ,
& Stop letting th imagination flow through [:
I'm supposed to call HM at 9 , But I haven bathe ,
I'm th subsitute , For everyone I guess .
At least I was really happy in class today ,
Play-ed & play-ed like some crazy people .
Ran here ran there in between periods . SO FUN .
SORRY , If I've made anyone angry today .
My moodswings , I didn't mean to .
I'm feeling guilty not listening to lessons alr -.-
I like th sitting arrangement likethat . I like it , ALOTALOT .
People around me is all so fun to be with ! (EXCEPT ONE -.-)
Kenneth's so funny , Entertaining us w/ everything & anything .
Huimin's th bestest listener ever , Listens to my rants & craps .
Vicky's always so fun to play w/ , Hahah .
Jaishree's ultra cute , a nice companion [:
From tomorrow onwards ,
I'll pay more attention in class , Do my homeworks ,
& Stop letting th imagination flow through [:
I'm supposed to call HM at 9 , But I haven bathe ,
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Today , I went to vicky's house [:
When I reached , Huimin was alr there .
Watched them play maple - SLEPT for awhile - Went down buy chips & drinks - Feed them -.- (MY HAND ALMOST KENA BITTEN OKAY) - Watched them play SIMS3 (Laughed like mad)
Here comes th funny part .
I don't know how/when I start playing with th umbrella on th window
& I start hitting vicky , yadayada .
She took another umbrella , took her luggauge , & started hitting me .
Hahahs , Laugh untill stomach ache like mad !
Mrt-ed home at around 6+going 7 .
Gave YY a call to ask her for a walk downstairs .
Going down later to meet her for a walk + dinner ! [:
Today , I went to vicky's house [:
When I reached , Huimin was alr there .
Watched them play maple - SLEPT for awhile - Went down buy chips & drinks - Feed them -.- (MY HAND ALMOST KENA BITTEN OKAY) - Watched them play SIMS3 (Laughed like mad)
Here comes th funny part .
I don't know how/when I start playing with th umbrella on th window
& I start hitting vicky , yadayada .
She took another umbrella , took her luggauge , & started hitting me .
Hahahs , Laugh untill stomach ache like mad !
Mrt-ed home at around 6+going 7 .
Gave YY a call to ask her for a walk downstairs .
Going down later to meet her for a walk + dinner ! [:
I can't seemed to be forgetting you .
I don't want to be falling in too deep .
Nobody's gna help me up .
Let me forget you , Before I'd really fall in .
I don't want to be falling in too deep .
Nobody's gna help me up .
Let me forget you , Before I'd really fall in .
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I'm home quite early today [: !
But I'm gna like , FALL ASLEEP first -.-
This morning's singtel's connection went crazy .
Was busy plucking out my batt , sim during lesson .
Even used Huimin's phone to keep send message .
But it was fixed at th end of physics .
HEY ! Singtel doesn't like physics too uh ?
& Hence , It resulted in spamming those people that I was sms-ing's inbox .
VERY SORRY ! I don't mean to one eh [:
I've got like 14 messages in 5 secs . -.-
English was slackkkkkkk like hell .
Actually for me only , I was busy catching up with th things I left out in th past hours .
Okay , DIE . Supposed to present tmr ?
KNS , I don't even know what's going on there eh ?
Tmrtmr -.- ,
I dread itttttttttttttttt !
Where's my geog lessons ? I want more geog more geog [:
I want to go sleep before going to complete my amaths ,
Extremely tired , After rushing up & down for 4-5 times today .
& HUIMIN , Stop being so crazy & start cursing everyone like you did today -.-
But I'm gna like , FALL ASLEEP first -.-
This morning's singtel's connection went crazy .
Was busy plucking out my batt , sim during lesson .
Even used Huimin's phone to keep send message .
But it was fixed at th end of physics .
HEY ! Singtel doesn't like physics too uh ?
& Hence , It resulted in spamming those people that I was sms-ing's inbox .
VERY SORRY ! I don't mean to one eh [:
I've got like 14 messages in 5 secs . -.-
English was slackkkkkkk like hell .
Actually for me only , I was busy catching up with th things I left out in th past hours .
Okay , DIE . Supposed to present tmr ?
KNS , I don't even know what's going on there eh ?
Tmrtmr -.- ,
I dread itttttttttttttttt !
Where's my geog lessons ? I want more geog more geog [:
I want to go sleep before going to complete my amaths ,
Extremely tired , After rushing up & down for 4-5 times today .
& HUIMIN , Stop being so crazy & start cursing everyone like you did today -.-
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